Thursday, June 14, 2012

Silas Andrew Schottey

Your first breath took ours away.
What makes me laugh is that there I have a half written post entitled "Eviction Notice" but I didn't have a chance to finish it because I was having a baby.

At the doctor's office yesterday morning he said I was at 4 cm and we scheduled my induction for Friday. After the appointment I was having some cramping and contractions, but decided I'd go get my hair cut while Joshua took a nap. My thought behind that was that I wouldn't want to get it cut after he came. 

When I got home from getting my hair cut I tried to take a nap. Napping did not happen because of contractions. I had a feeling that it was almost time. I knew that once it was time, I wouldn't be able to eat any more. I had an appetite! I had a peanut butter banana sandwich, cashews, and a popsicle!

I did some cleaning up around the house and told Michael we should probably call someone to come and get Joshua. We needed to go to the hospital. I was hesitant to say anything to anyone because of the false laboring that I had been having.

As we walked down the stairs of our apartment, a mother was getting her children into the car and they way she looked over at us, she knew that we were headed to the hospital.

Michael told me later that when we got to the stoplight before the highway he knew this was the real thing. There was a stoplight was next to a Dairy Queen. I told Michael during my contraction that the Dairy Queen was going to make me throw up and the light needed to turn green. This may have been when some ugliness started.

I remember as Michael turned into the hospital I told him to slow down because the turn hurt! The hospital has valet parking, I was out of the car as it stopped, and walked to the elevator. It was 5:00. We made it up to the 4th floor where I panted filling out the paperwork.

I got into a triage room where I struggled getting my clothes off and my gown on. When I got into bed the nurse said I was at 6-7cm. Michael told the nurse right away that I tested positive for strep B so we needed to start penicillin as soon as possible. She went to get IV needle.

After the IV was in it was time to move to the labor/delivery. She said she wouldn't make me walk... as we rolled down the hallway another nurse asked about an epidural I said "Yes, Please!"

We were in the delivery room about 5:45. The nurses were rushing around, they didn't have my chart because it was at the office from my visit. I was told that my doctor wasn't here yet, but they asked another doctor to stay. I heard the triage nurse tell another nurse I was at 7 without a contraction when I got here.

I was hurting. Michael asked the question that was weighing on my mind, "Is there still time for her to get some pain medicine?" The nurses looked at one another regretting to tell us, it was now too late. The nurse said I was at 10cm. With that, my water shot across the room, and I shouted that he was coming out! The nurse ran out to the hall waving the doctor in. He introduced himself and gowned up. I had another round of contractions and my doctor showed up quickly gowned and with the next two contractions I was pushing and Silas was born.

6:15 pm
Silas Andrew Schottey
7 lbs 11 oz
20 inches long with dark brown hair

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