Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Back to our Happy Place

Nearly 3 months since our last visit, the sun was finally shining and we had nothing better to do than go to the beach!

We chased seagulls!

I'm so sad I was too far away to catch the terrific facial expression on 
Joshua's first feel of the ocean in 2014.
 It was CHILLY!

Silas was not to sure about all those waves. 

But eager to keep up with his brother he went in for some closer observation. 


Maybe I'll just carry my water. 

One taste of the exhilarating waves and Joshua was all about it! 
"Mom why didn't you bring the boogie board?"

Silas was content to watch the birds. 

We played in the sand on soaked up the glorious sun. 

It wasn't an extended stay by any means, but it was wonderful, refreshing, and completely enjoyable. 
I can't wait to see what fun adventures this summers beach trips will provide. 

Friday, March 14, 2014

Those Eyes...

It was a rough week for bunk beds this week. 

Silas has been getting up and sneaking out of bed. 

I was brushing my teeth when I heard dramatic sighs. 

This was the face I saw. 

His mouth said nothing, but his eyes said, "Please don't send me back to bed!!"

Flying Silas

Ever since he was little we've sung a flying Silas song: 

"Flying Silas up in the air, 
Flying Silas don't even care!
Flying Silas zooming through space, 
Flying Silas eating your face!"

Followed by lots and lots of kisses! 

Magnificent Math

Joshua came to visit my classroom. Earlier that my students had done a color by number addition paper. Joshua asked if he could take one. Slowly, but surely he is making his way through the shapes so he can color it. He's so proud of himself. And we are so proud of him too!

Silas is just happy to sit next to Joshua and do what Joshua is doing. Silas is counting up to 13!

Bath Buddies

Bath is happy time! Happier with a friend! Better with a brother!

Glorious Grapefruits

We again were blessed this year to have a family who was willing to let us come clean out their trees at the end of the season. 

The boys loved it!!!

 It was a beautiful day. I'm so appreciative.
 Joshua wrote a thank you letter for them. He did a great job. 
I juiced, the boys juiced. We have lots of juice. We froze bags and bags of juice. 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

New month already!

Back at Home Depot: Joshua and Michael made a trojen horse bank. Silas and I were going to work together, but they moved the tables outside. 
I played tag with Silas for a while. Or that's what I'll call running after him as he free spirited his way over, under, and around the caution tape that was used to designate our work space. 
When I was over our game, we went to the garden center and enjoyed a stroll through the flowers. 


"Sure Joshua you may play on my phone while I finish getting ready."

Later when I looked at my phone I had nearly 50 pictures of my morning routine.
I liked his choice of black and white. He sure knows how to make someone feel good, "you're so pretty mommy."

Tuesday Surprise!

Michael picked the boys and I up from school and he had been acting a little strange. He giddily told us to head into the house. He bought bunk beds! We picked them out when we bought our house and considered it for the boys for Christmas, but a random Tuesday was just as good by us! 

Silas was up the first night.
Joshua was up the second night.
By night three they both slept all night. 

It wasn't till the weekend that they got separated. After 2 hours of giggling, climbing up and down the stairs and pillow fighting that I put Silas in the pack-and-play in the spare bedroom. 

Joshua told me that the bunk beds were hard because he had to crawl down and check on Silas and cover him up after his blankets fell on the floor. Such a sweet big brother! 

Asleep night #1

Joshua's picture of his new bunk beds an dresser and his happy family. 

Morning after bunk beds. Still smiling. Reading to each other while I got ready for school. 

Church directory

A group of Schotteys looking pretty sharp! 


1st Saturday of the month Home Depot project day!! 

The boys and I got out of the house for a while so Michael could work. 
We built a racecar! Lots of fun!

We got spirit yes we do, we got spirit how about you?

CTK's 1st spirit week: 

Decade day:

Pajama day: (yes we get there early enough to eat breakfast) 

Formal day: (yes more breakfast)

Thursday was purple and gold day, and Friday was the basketball tournament. 

(Maybe we had less spirit then I thought if I forgot to take pictures on school colors day...oops!)

A Peaceful Pair

There are those sweet sweet moments that warm my heart where I sit back and glow with the joyful brotherly moments my boys can spend without quarrels, argument, whineing, or boasting that I stop to count my blessings and love that they have each other. 


I hope Joshua's love of learning never ever goes away! 

Silas smiles

Oh Silas, you lead quite a crazy lifestyle. Please no body paint when you're only 1 year old. You certainly keep me on my toes. Curious about everything and mischievous with you sideways glances it's hard to stay mad for long when you flash that dashing smile that lights up the room.  
I love you to the moon and back!