Saturday, March 30, 2013


No annual church rummage sale for us today. Joshua was throwing up again.

When we were at church last night he saw a Toy Story chair in the rummage things. He was so excited it distracted him all through church. When church was over he found a quarter on the floor and announced that he would use money to buy the chair.

I asked Michael to pick it up for Joshua when he went so Joshua could have it.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Good Friday

So Joshua has been talking about Easter at school this week. They watched a terrific video about Holy Week.

But, we needed to straighten out some of the details. He was telling me about some of Jesus' miracles and then this comes out, "After the Last Supper the Vikings came and hammered Jesus to a cross and ate him."

This made me giggle. I laughed and laughed... until I realized he wasn't too far from the truth. The Vikings were the Roman soldiers, and eating him in the Lord's Supper. He is too smart. 

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Hand Over the Spoon!!

Look at this face!! 

We have been struggling to find a stride with eating. It usually ends with Silas screaming and me frustrated. His iron was low so we've been keeping a closer eye on what he eats and making a bigger push toward table foods. 

I have tried the "bait-and-switch", pushing the spoon in and hoping for the best, but today I let go of the spoon. I put the bowl on his tray and the entire eating experience was different. 
He was excited, anxious, and eager to figure it out. 
It was messy (which is why I held the spoon for so long.) 
But the joy he had about checking out his food was worth the mess!

Monday, March 25, 2013

This is Love

Cowboy boots

I went in to check on Joshua before I went to bed. He was asleep, but wearing his cowboys. It made me smile. 


The captain and his first mate off on adventures. Joshua would hand Silas pirates or give him pirate orders. They did a great job playing together.


Silas says "Cheese" when he sees my phone. Do I take too many pictures when he doesn't say mom, not even an /M/ at all, but he says "cheese"?

Family Time!

Hosanna, Loud Hosanna

Palm Sunday pictures!

Again this year it strikes me how awesome it is that palm branches can be taken off of the trees and brought into church. Perks of Florida!

Prideful Tears

It was Ms. Bonnie's birthday so we got her a card. Not expecting much we thought it would be sweet to have Joshua write a little something in the card. We told Joshua to try to make a J. When that was pretty good we suggested an O. His name followed. I had tears. He did such a great job. I was impressed.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


9 month check-up.

Silas is still around the 10th percentile for height and weight. Low on iron, working on the /m/ sound, getting the hang of sleeping all night and generally a happy baby.

Then the doc asked if I had any questions. Others have mentioned Silas' eyes to me , but they weren't on my mind. That's when the doc brought them up.

With growth hopefully his eye will self correct. Time will tell, until then he gave signs to watch for if the eye becomes lazy or crossed.

We love being pirates at our house. If we need to wear eye patches to strengthen his weak eye, we will do it in while playing.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Sunny Saturdays

Michael gets so busy during football season that finding family time on the weekends is difficult. We took advantage of a sunny saturday morning and went out to play ball.


We had 2 high school boys from prep in Watertown stay here last night. They are traveling with the choir doing concerts. They slept in Joshua's bed and on the blow-up mattress. Joshua had the option of having a sleepover with mommy and daddy or Silas. He choose mommy and daddy. We made him a blanket bed on our floor. He fell right asleep.

At 2:45 he stood up, coughed then threw-up all over. I led him into our bathroom where he continued to throw-up. Pale and pasty I led him back into our room to cleanup the floor.

He hasn't thrown up since he was a baby. We've entered solid foods, therefore solid sickness. This will not be my favorite phase.

Hopefully it was just extra sugar and staying up late and not a stomach bug. We'll see how he feels today.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Everything's Better through Green Glasses

It was wear green day at school. We took turns wearing fancy glasses.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

It doesn't get much cuter..,

1st time Swinging at school.

/B/ /B/ Bear

Joshua was working on his alphabet book and Silas just wanted to be around his big brother.

"/B/ /B/ bear, Silas, that starts with B. Can you think of any words that begin with B?"

Silas was just thrilled that Joshua was talking to him. Joshua likes having an audience even if it is just his little brother.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

I told you so!

Not long ago, I wrote about how I used to take pictures.

When I came home today Michael said he had stumbled upon something...

Check it out. Wait for the banner pictures to change.

Did you catch it?

Did you read it?

The  photos are all copyright Stacey Schottey. Yeah, That's right!

The resolution isn't great, but there they are. My pics being used for advertising.

I like to pretend that's pretty cool!

Sunday, March 3, 2013


New hairdo?!?


Joshua's playing has turned a corner. He now comes up with very creative situations.

In the bathtub he showed me a variety of faces between his dance moves, scuba diving, construction, and superhero antics.

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss

Joshua made a hat Friday at school and he had a chance to try green eggs and ham. I knew Joshua wouldn't like it, but I'm glad he was excited to make it.

Saturday we read Dr Seuss books, watched Horton Hears a Who and wore our Dr Seuss garb.

March came in like a lamb...

Silas and Joshua slept all night for the first time. Silas stayed in bed for 14 hours. Needless to say he went right into the tub when he got out of his crib.