Saturday, June 30, 2012

Summer Sun

We have had so much rain from another tropical storm. I have been stir crazy as it is with Silas. So, when the sun came out and dried up all the rain, I wanted out!!

I loaded up as a family of 4 to walk over to the pool. (Michael said he wasn't comfortable with me going with the two boys alone.) ok, fine! As we walked Michael started getting all anxious..." It's too hot for us to have Silas out here. We can't be there for very long."

I couldn't help but thinking he was being such a debbie downer... We stayed at the pool for maybe 20 minutes.

When we got home Michael showed me that his concerns were valid. I wasn't as informed as I could have/should have been about summer safety with an infant.

Nothing happened but at least I learned something.

Friday, June 29, 2012


Silas has curls! Do we encourage them or flatten them out? Not that it will matter when this hair falls out, but it's fun for now.

Is there a Doctor in the House?

I'm sure this will not be the last time that Joshua uses Silas as his patient.

"I'll be with you in a minute."
"let's listen your heart and check your temperature."
"you are 30 pounds."

So much fun!

Thursday, June 28, 2012


Butterflies have been an interest of Joshua's for a while. We had a caterpillars in a couple of classrooms at school. He was excited to check on the caterpillars' progress as they transformed into butterflies.

Recently I purchased The Very Hunfry Caterpillar. We have read it many many times already. (and purchased the puzzles)

One of Joshua's "big brother gifts" was a bug catcher with a butterfly net. We have gone out to catch the butterflies, but it's a small net and he's two and a half. We haven't caught any butterflies.

Today on our walk however I spotted a dead butterfly and Joshua was thrilled! He didn't want to keep it. He just wanted to make sure I put it in the grass so that no one would step on it.

Quality Time

Just two guys hanging out...

(well, our mom was there too...)

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

This is a test...

I don't think I mentioned in my earlier post that I had to go Silas's appointment solo. Michael was coincidently on jury duty. (He owes me big time!)

After the joys of this morning, I needed to go back to school to pick Joshua up. I tried to wait until Michael called saying he was done with the trial so I didn't have to make two trips. I couldn't wait any longer. After Silas had eaten I packed him up and went for the car.

I got to school. Joshua was not in a very pleasant mood, but again it was something new again today. (It was the first day I had taken him to school or picked him up since Silas has been born and since he's been in the new classroom.) I enticed him with a "special treat" because it had been a long day for me too and I could use a pick-me-up. We went to Wendy's and got a Frosty.

I went back to the courthouse to wait for Michael assuming that he couldn't be much longer... Joshua and were eating our Frosty when I got a call from someone at school who needed help locking up. So we went back to school to figure out the door situation.

Now I needed to make a decision... did I go home... get the boys out of the car... feed Silas... and pack them back into the car when Michael called saying he was done? Or did I take a chance that he would be done soon and go wait in the courthouse parking lot?

I chose the latter. Mainly because I didn't want to make two trips. This turned out to be a poor choice.

I heard rumbling from the backseat and asked Joshua if it was him. "Nope, It Silas." Considering Silas didn't poop the day before, I was not looking forward to what would be waiting for me. Silas started to squirm. It was time for him to eat. I carefully changed him, then gave Joshua my phone and told him he could watch a show while I nursed Silas in the courthouse parking lot.

I nursed Silas with the sun shade up and a blanket over my shoulder when I see Joshua start wiggling around. "Joshua, are you wearing a diaper or undies?" "Undies." I tried to searched for my shirt and tried to put Silas down and rush to the other side of the car, but by the time I got there, "my seat WET!"

From the driving around, poop explosion, nursing in a parking lot, and pee pants I was ready to give in. I called a friend to come get us so I could leave the car for Michael. Then he could come home when he was done.

What a day!

"This is the Day that the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it!" This was the last song Joshua wanted to sing tonight before we said prayers and I couldn't help but think that it was fitting. I love when we sing this one at night. With so much to complain about, I have so much more to be thankful for.

17 Minutes...

is how long it took me to get home from the doctor's office. Silas cried the entire way. I had tears too.

We were at the doctor's office for Silas to be circumcised. With Joshua, they did it right away in the hospital, but my doctor preferred to do it in his office instead of at the hospital. (and he was on vacation for a week) Silas was a bit fussy as we parked, almost anticipating what was coming.

Handing your baby over to another person is one thing, but when it is followed by, "the office is pretty echo-y you may want to stand outside." that was almost more than I could handle. So out I went. The doctor came to get me approximately 12 minutes later with a surprisingly pleasant little boy... That is until we got to the car.

17 long minutes later we arrived home. He was too exhausted to eat. Sleep hit hard. I tried several times unsuccessfully to nurse him, but he was not interested until hours later. So I held him close and let him rest.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


This was the first jealous moment and I didn't like it.

Joshua and Silas woke up at the same time from their naps. There are several things that needed to happen. They both needed to be changed and Silas needed to be fed. I started to disrobe to feed Silas only to look up and see tears streaming down Joshua's face. He looked so hurt. "But momma, I wanted to slug!" (slug: snuggle/cuddle)

The face he made brought tears to my eyes. I was glad Michael was he and could spend some one-on-one minutes with Joshua while I nursed.

For the most part I have a hard time separating Joshua from Silas. He wants to show Silas everything and play with him, talk to him, and just plain love on him.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Sleep Sound

Dear Silas,

I spent time tonight watching your heavy eyelids blink shut as you tried to fight off sleep. You held my hand. Tight at first. Slowly your hand relaxed and your eyes calmed. Your breathing evened and sleep took over. There was something so special to me about those few moments just watching you fall asleep. I felt so blessed. I am so blessed. 
I love you!

"Sleep sound in Jesus my baby, my dear,

Angels are watching they keep you so near.

Know for His sake you'll be safe for the night,

Sleep sound in Jesus, I'll turn out the light.

Sleep sound in Jesus, sweetheart of my heart,

The dark of the night will not keep us apart.

When I lay down in your bed for the night,

He holds you gently till morning is light.

Sleep sound in Jesus, the angels are here,

They're keeping watch so there's nothing to fear.

Against any foe they are ready to fight,

So sleep sound in Jesus, I'll turn out the light." by Michael Card

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Over did it!

It seems as though this new momma over did it this weekend. Perhaps Silas was ready to go out into public, but I wasn't.

Now I sit at 2:30 in the morning mouth breathing as I eat a popsicle to soothe my raw throat. Swollen glands, achy, sweaty body, and plugged nose. Yuck!


My milk is in!

Thursday, June 21, 2012


My dear friend Heather came over to meet Silas when we came home on Friday, then on Saturday she came over to use her amazing photography skills to take some beautiful shots of my family. 

Heather meeting Silas
She carried up everything, but "the kitchen sink." Heather set up her backdrop and lights and her baskets of props.

She heated the room for a comfortable naked baby. 
There was all sorts of laughter and silliness during her 4 hour photo shoot. It was a terrific afternoon! 
After she took all the pictures she packed up for the second half of her endeavor. The editing. 

This was a goal picture for Heather. It turned out wonderfully. 

This one was my idea. It think it's great! 

My Boys!

Mrs. Bonnie the secretary (and so much more) at CTK, made this football for Silas. 

I am so grateful to Heather for spending her Saturday photography our family, and the many hours (I can say hours confidently) that she has poured into editing these pictures. 

I asked her about taking pictures professionally because I know she has the talent, but she commented that it was too much pressure. She takes the pictures as a hobby, and is happy with that. 

I certainly am happy too. So much more I could say, but for now, it's Thank You!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Just Another Day in Paradise

We are experimenting with finding a routine.

Tonight Michael made dinner while Joshua played and Silas and I did some tummy time.

After supper Michael and Joshua played while I cleaned up the kitchen and Silas watched.

When the kitchen was clean it was bath time. I ran the bathtub and Joshua climbed in. I knew bath time is a long process so while Joshua bathed I nursed Silas.

When Silas was done I took Joshua to get jammies. We did teeth and gave daddy loves. Silas came with to read books and snuggle in bed.

It was a good night. I look forward to many more.

Brotherly Love


Oh Joshua! How things have changed for you in the past two weeks!

No more toddler class.
No more diapers... Sort of
A week home just mommy and daddy
New baby brother
Sleepover at the Huebner's
Grandma visited
New classroom
Back to school... With daddy

Yesterday you went back yo school with daddy. He's on paternity leave because of Silas, and he went to help with the over 200 kids at vbs. you were only there a couple of hours. I heard you were miserable. Tears. Wandering. Hitting. And refusal to use the potty. (good thing I sent 3 sets of clothes.)

I was crushed. Not because of poor behavior necessarily, but knowing you were bored here with me, and not having fun at school either.

We will find a routine. I don't want you to feel pushed away and I don't want you to be bored. I love you!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Deja vu

I'm experiencing some of the same joys and struggles that I faced after Joshua was born. (not that there aren't a bunch of new worries being a mommy of two.).

I find myself looking back... Breast feeding isn't always easy. I've got the milk but figuring out our chemistry and cooperation can take a few days and some days are better than others.

Silas, after coming home from the hospital (similar to Joshua) did not poop the entire first day. Sure he was eating, but who really knows how much? His eyes started yellowing and I knew I needed to come up with a plan.

Since I was already planning on pumping, I started nursing then "capping off" with some milk I had pumped.

I remember the feelings of failure and frustration. I've doubted my ability to keep at it.

Right now the feeding process takes roughly an hour. We struggle for about 20min on each slide. Suck...suck...sleep... Repeat...
Then I pump. So I'm spending almost every other hour feeding.

Bottle feeding breast milk is the next best option. I need to feel like that may be the best I can do. And if that's the best it's not failure.

Joshua and I struggled, but found our rhythm. I need patience.

Friday, June 15, 2012


Silas, you have the best Florida feet!

Your toes are made for flip flops.
Your feet moments after birth

Thursday, June 14, 2012


Every good and perfect gift is from above... James 1:17

We've been talking so long to Joshua about Silas coming out it was difficult for me to wait all day for Joshua to come and meet his brother. 

 I could hear Joshua's sweet voice in the hallway before they made their way in and I was so excited!

"Momma, here's Silas. He's outta your belly."

Queen among the men

When Can We Go Home?

My doctor tried to assure me that I would feel good despite not having pain meds.
 I didn't believe her at the time, but by 9:00 I was ready to go home. 
I did all I needed to do at the hospital. 
When could I take leave?

Turns out mommies need to stay 24 hours and since I only got one round of penicillin instead of 3 because things went so quickly, we need to stay so they can keep an eye on Silas. 

We spent the day being lazy watching movies just relaxing. After all my time with Joshua lately it was hard to be away from him for so long.

Silas Andrew Schottey

Your first breath took ours away.
What makes me laugh is that there I have a half written post entitled "Eviction Notice" but I didn't have a chance to finish it because I was having a baby.

At the doctor's office yesterday morning he said I was at 4 cm and we scheduled my induction for Friday. After the appointment I was having some cramping and contractions, but decided I'd go get my hair cut while Joshua took a nap. My thought behind that was that I wouldn't want to get it cut after he came. 

When I got home from getting my hair cut I tried to take a nap. Napping did not happen because of contractions. I had a feeling that it was almost time. I knew that once it was time, I wouldn't be able to eat any more. I had an appetite! I had a peanut butter banana sandwich, cashews, and a popsicle!

I did some cleaning up around the house and told Michael we should probably call someone to come and get Joshua. We needed to go to the hospital. I was hesitant to say anything to anyone because of the false laboring that I had been having.

As we walked down the stairs of our apartment, a mother was getting her children into the car and they way she looked over at us, she knew that we were headed to the hospital.

Michael told me later that when we got to the stoplight before the highway he knew this was the real thing. There was a stoplight was next to a Dairy Queen. I told Michael during my contraction that the Dairy Queen was going to make me throw up and the light needed to turn green. This may have been when some ugliness started.

I remember as Michael turned into the hospital I told him to slow down because the turn hurt! The hospital has valet parking, I was out of the car as it stopped, and walked to the elevator. It was 5:00. We made it up to the 4th floor where I panted filling out the paperwork.

I got into a triage room where I struggled getting my clothes off and my gown on. When I got into bed the nurse said I was at 6-7cm. Michael told the nurse right away that I tested positive for strep B so we needed to start penicillin as soon as possible. She went to get IV needle.

After the IV was in it was time to move to the labor/delivery. She said she wouldn't make me walk... as we rolled down the hallway another nurse asked about an epidural I said "Yes, Please!"

We were in the delivery room about 5:45. The nurses were rushing around, they didn't have my chart because it was at the office from my visit. I was told that my doctor wasn't here yet, but they asked another doctor to stay. I heard the triage nurse tell another nurse I was at 7 without a contraction when I got here.

I was hurting. Michael asked the question that was weighing on my mind, "Is there still time for her to get some pain medicine?" The nurses looked at one another regretting to tell us, it was now too late. The nurse said I was at 10cm. With that, my water shot across the room, and I shouted that he was coming out! The nurse ran out to the hall waving the doctor in. He introduced himself and gowned up. I had another round of contractions and my doctor showed up quickly gowned and with the next two contractions I was pushing and Silas was born.

6:15 pm
Silas Andrew Schottey
7 lbs 11 oz
20 inches long with dark brown hair

Monday, June 11, 2012

Sitting Out

This morning as Joshua played by himself he carried his Mickey figure over to the spot where he sits out. He told Mickey he was sitting out. "Mickey you sitting two minutes for hitting Joshua."

I'm not sure how to feel about it.

I'm glad that my son understands that there are consequences for your actions and that hitting is not nice, but why was he pretending that Mickey was hitting in the first place? Why did he feel the need to have Mickey sit out?

Monday, Monday

Our day started at 6:00 on the dot this morning. Joshua was ready for the week to begin! It took me a while to get going with him this morning.

I'm starting to be nervous, or second guess summer plans. Nothing is set yet, but so far Joshua has been home with me. He does a great job at school and he thrives on routine. Can I stay disciplined enough for him to stay in a routine? He has been learning lots from being home, we spend learning time and playing time every day and his vocabulary is great and his curiosity amazes me, but I don't want him to fall behind in his social activities from being away from his friends. The balance that we have considered is maybe going to school tuesdays and thursdays. This week will be an exception because we know for sure by the end of the week, there will be another little boy in the house.

Sunday, June 10, 2012


We ate angel hair pasta tonight for dinner. You were eating quietly when all of the sudden with your fork in the air you shouted JELLYFISH! The pasta did look like jellyfish! You're so silly!

Space man

Astronaut Joshua 

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Potty Success

We are counting today as a celebration for Joshua's potty success!

This morning we went on a walk, we went to the clubhouse of our apartment complex and he went on the big potty there. Going on a big potty has been a struggle. We use a potty chair at home, not one that has the seat for the big toilet, but a separate chair. Because he used only the froggy potty, going on a big potty was intimidating.

He went in the clubhouse.

He kept his undies dry all morning.

After nap we went to Daytona. I did put him in a diaper for the car ride, but we made it to the store with a dry diaper, and then made it through dinner, and all the way home staying dry. He used a variety of potties today and no accidents.

Today was a potty success! We are so proud!

Family Adventure Day

Today was out last Saturday adventure day as a family of three.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Animal House

With all the rain we've been having we've had to get creative with activities in the house. We try to get out at least a little everyday between the raindrops. 
Going through all of our books and finding some of our favorites has been great. 
Joshua spotted Charlie Monkey and this was the first time he wanted to pretend to be some of the animals.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

One Week

I chatted with my sister last night and told her how school was out and there was no summer care this week. She replied, "Oh, that's nice. You can catch up on school stuff or other projects before baby."

That got me thinking... Joshua and I have been spending the week together taking walks, playing, going to the pool, reading books, and working on using the potty.

I have snuck in some naps and checked out Pintrest for teaching ideas but I haven't done home projects or anything for school.

Now I'm starting to feel guilty.

Will I regret not working on my school projects?

Will Joshua have a hard time sharing mommy time post Silas because we just spent a one-on-one week?


Wednesday, June 6, 2012


We went to the doctor today. Things are progressing. I'm at 3.5 cm, and just waiting around for labor. (When I went in for Joshua's birth I was at 4.) The doctor said we could potentially induce on the 15th if Silas doesn't make his appearance before then. My next appointment is next Wednesday and that would put me at 39 week. We will make our decision then.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Day 1 Summer 2012: A Day in the Life

In my mind I started counting summer break today.

We began the day with cereal (a recent independence success.)
After we had our breakfast and got dressed. Joshua decided that he was going to wear undies.
Hooray for wearing undies... this is where they go right?
When the clothes were all in their appropriate places we went for a walk. 
Surprisingly, Joshua opted for walking versus the stroller. He's usually a stroller man. As we walked Joshua commented on everything. Cars. Bugs. Bird singing... The list goes on... 

I was encouraging him to walk to the playground so we could go down the slide a time or two. It is nice to have a destination for this inquisitive young man. Walking all the way there proved to be more of a challenge than I expected. 

That's when I came up with a treasure hunt. Joshua knows and is usually good about not picking plants. He does however pick up pieces of plants that have fallen (ie, flower petals, leaves) Our treasure hunt was finding fallen leaves. 

The leaves were taken home and turned into a "project." For some reason if any craft has turned into a "project." Today's project was crayon rubbing the leaves and painting them to make prints. 

Lunch was a Muffin Tin Monday featuring: turkey, tomatoes, carrots, cheese, goldfish crackers, and hard boiled eggs. Hard boiled eggs were a new experience and did NOT go over well. 
But we thanked him for trying it. 

Our day continued with a story before nap. It was a new Dr. Seuss for me, but I enjoyed it. I received it as part of a collection from one of my students. 
Maybe tomorrow we will do some sort or "project" with ducks or duck feet. We will see. 

Napping Time is Happy Time:

Michael took this picture and labeled it "synchronized sleeping."
I'm not sure if we over did it in the morning, but Joshua must have been tired. He took a 3+ hour nap, but was ready for playing when he awoke!

Just staying safe...
Most of the time between nap and supper was spent doing one of Joshua's favorite things; Playing Pirates!

He begged for an eye-patch. Some black construction paper and some 'sticky tape' did the trick, but he needed to check it out in the mirror. 
"Got a little Captain in you?"
Our best pirate faces before our sword fight. 
The daddy made supper and we ate together. Then the boys went to play while I cleaned up the kitchen. I did muse to Michael that it was kind of nice to have somewhat of a routine established. 
I say that knowing that in the coming days any bits of what we have established may all be changed by the newest Schottey.

When the kitchen was clean it was time to clean the little boy. Like a broken record: I love watching my son play in the bath tub! I asked him for a quick "cheese" before he got out and oh the cheese I was given!

We cleaned up the toys and had some Monkey Business before bedtime. 
(banana ice cream, graham crackers, and chocolate chunks)

Love and Logic moment during while brushing teeth: 
"We have time for two books tonight. Hurry with hand washing so we can read two books!"
"(mumbled grouchy response)"
"Joshua, as soon as you're finished, you're welcome to choose your books."
still in bathroom
I carried him out. He was told now we would only be able to read one.

He chose his book and climbed into bed. It was a book with multiple stories. He chose and one and I read it. I did give him a chance to look through the entire book. 

"Momma, what all these words say?"
"I would have loved to read another story tonight. I love our book time. But, because you took so long in the bathroom, I could only read one story. That's kind of sad isn't it?"
"Yeah. Really REALLY Sad!"

We probably spent just as much time as another story singing songs and talking about the day, but that wasn't the point. 
We closed the day rejoicing in his triumphant accident-free, dry undies day said prayers gave kisses and hugs and said our goodnights.

So far, Summer Break has been delightful.