Friday, July 18, 2014


I've never seen blueberries growing on a blueberry bush. 
The boys and I headed out at the suggestion of another mom to a local farm to pick our own berries. I was glad that she warned about the spiders. It took me a while to get over them and find a berry picking grove. 

The boys started our adventure very ambitious. "I'm going to fill my pail to the tip top."
Just like the children's book, Blueberries for Sal, it was fun to listen for the sound of the blueberries hitting the bottom of the pail. 
It was fun to let the boys "wander" with my watchful eye. They did some exploring which helped me fill the pail quicker. The boys found a caterpillar which was a wonderful distraction from the heat. 
At the 2 hour mark the boys had had enough. The deal was $10 for a gallon bucket full. 
Before we left Joshua found a millipede. It was huge! He loved how it "tickled". He let the millipede crawl all over him, he named it, and waved goodbye. 

As soon as the berries were washed, they were shoveling the berries in by the handful.