Monday, June 16, 2014

Brought to you by the letter "B"

Bubbles, Backyard, Brothers, Baseball... And later baths 

School's Out for Summer

The boys were done with school a week before I was. Here are pictures from their last day. 

It is evident that they both have people who love them dearly in their classrooms. We are ao blessed that they are surrounded by such wonderful people. 

Field of Dreams

Little league baseball championship game was played on a Monday night. One of the teams held several church/school boys so we went to cheer them on. The boys were thrilled. 
We all put on our baseball caps on and headed for the field. 
Joshua loved sitting with his friends. 
I took a picture of Joshua and his friends then turned around to find Silas in the dugout with a helmet on, bat in hand, feet turned to walk up to the plate. I had to run over and grab him before he was and interference, but I loved his enthusiasm! 

Despite his friends' loss, Joshua found a love of the game. 

Pizza picnic

Spontaneous Sunday night Pizza at the Park 

A spontaneous activity when we were eager for summer so we picked up some pizza and headed to the park. We haven't visited many parks in the area so this was a fun experience. 
We put our leftovers back in the car and got ready to play. Turn around and Joshua is cleaning up trash from around the park. "Mom, did you know that sea turtles could eat this trash or get stuck and then they would die?!? I want to protect them." 

Tire swing sillies 


Dance party in the car on the way to the beach to the happy song. 
Babies basking 
I got a chance finally get out into the water. I always feel better with salty sun-soaked skin. 
Sledding FL style 
Boys being boys. I wish I could have taken a picture from the ocean side the boys bobbing heads and giggles as the waves crashed around them. Their faces were priceless! 


There are many dragonflies in the bushes outside of school. 
I walked outside and saw Joshua standing very still. I asked what he was doing and he told me he was trying to catch a dragonfly. "Just look at it Mom, it's fascinating!"

This went on for about a week or two. One day during my math class I got this picture text: 
He found out if he came at it from behind he could slide his hand under the dragonfly. He was beaming with pride. Thrilled to finally be touching a dragonfly! 

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Blankie Blues

This boy loves his blankie!!! It is a struggle to keep the blankie sanitary. I have to sneak it into the washing machine. He caught me between washer and dryer. 
He watched it spin for a while. I told him his blanket was taking a ride. He stood watching until it was dry. 

St. Pete Beach: Day 3

Best beach, best day! This will be a day that will stand out in Joshua's mind for a long time! It will be hard to live up to. 

We found a park where we could play for a while until our pirate ship was ready to board. 
The boys enjoyed the salty air and the ability to run wild.

At the edge of the playground was a pier looking out over the beautiful beach.

Over the trip the boys did a great job holding hands and watching out for one another. We made our way to the pirate ship. The boys were thrilled!  

When the we got on the ship the boys were given water guns. For the water gun fight. 

 Parents were told if your child didn't need you, then please go enjoy some "child-free" time.
Silas is still at the point where he needs a parent near, and it gave me a chance to watch Joshua's eyes sparkle in pirate glory.
We went out to sea and Silas got a bit grouchy, but we didn't let his crabby face ruin our fun. 

There was music and dancing. 

Joshua loved the limbo (even if he stepped over the pole.) 

By the end of the cruise we were all smiling. 

What a fun day!!!

We went back to the hotel for nap time. 

We went out to the gulf to check out the beautiful sand and water. It was lots different than Palm Coast sand.
 Silas had never been mini-golfing. It was a fun experience. Joshua had golfed once before, but was convinced he was an excellent golfer. He told was about how you needed to aim, concentrate, and hit the ball.
 We did take his confidence down encouraging him to be a better sport and reminding him that although he knew how to play, he was not the greatest golfer ever.

 We walked back to the room loving the relaxing calm of a wonderful day of family time.

The last thing we did before bed was a dive in Movie at the pool. The boys were plenty confident in their swimming abilities after 2 days and they swam around watching the Smurfs. 

Dive in Movie