Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Savvy Shoppers

Unusual perhaps to most people would be the sight of me following these three and their three carts.  
At the store, I'm just a pretty face. I don't collect the coupons, carry a list or, push a cart. 

I follow my shoppers with a smile. 

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Rock'n' the Runway

We went to the Flagler County Airport here in Palm Coast. The boys loved riding a school bus from the parking lot to the air show. We weren't there long before it got dark. 
The boys giggled and squealed at the airplane formations, but we're even more excited about the "Journey" tribute band concert that followed. That's right, my boys first concert was a Journey tribute band. 
We stayed to the end for the fireworks and "Don't Stop Believin'"
Sleep came fast after Rock'n' the Runway.


Junior Olympics was even more fun this year because Joshua got to participate. I helped out with the planning. My job was to divide teams. That meant I could put Joshua on my team! What a fun day for him and I to share. 
It was interesting for me to see how he interacted with other kids and embraced the friendly competition. 

I could see quickly he shares my lack of coordination, but willingness to try. 

A day that we were anxious would be full of rain, turned out to be all kinds of fun. The rain held off until after the water balloons and everyone was happy about that. 

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Silly Silas

I walked into the kitchen to him trying to slice a plastic Easter Egg.