Friday, May 31, 2013


"There are perhaps no days of our childhood we lived so fully as those we spent with a favorite book."

-Marcel Proust 

"There is more treasure in books than in all the pirates' loot on Treasure Island."

- Walt Disney 

Pirate Pair

The first thing Joshua asked Hannah when they came to the door was, "Did you bring your pirate ship?!?" As though she couldn't play if she didn't have it.

The two of them played pirates for about two hours. Their story was quite elaborate with props, costumes, plastic characters and books. 

Near the end they used one of the recently emptied boxes for their ship and they sat inside reading a pirate tale together. 

A Boy and his Blanket

Michael and I have done what we could to avoid one specific comfort item for our boys. I had a stuffed pig for far too long. Despite our best efforts, Silas has a blankie. 

If we questioned his love for his blankie, recent events proved it. Silas' blanket was in his hamper of dirty clothes while he was playing near it. When his eye caught the blanket, he crawled over, knocked the hamper to the ground, and pulled out his blankie. What a face of achievement as he threw his body into it and his arms around it.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Where the Wild Things Are

“And now," cried Max, "let the wild rumpus start!” 

Joshua the King of the Wild Things.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Balloon Animals

One of the parents in my classroom can on the lasts of school to make balloon animals for my students. He did some pretty amazing things! With only a few months of practice. He made a Spider-Man, airplanes, a puppy, a dolphin, and one of my favorites: a rideable giraffe!!

After graduation he gave me a 2 monkey holding flowers and a card. So cool!!

Wet & Wild

We went to visit the Loberger family ( who we now live only blocks away from) The kids enjoyed the sprinkler and the pool and some grilling.

All about ME book

The last week of school Joshua's class worked on a book called All About Me. Here are some of the pages from his book.

Yellow Watermelon

Ahh, summer break has started with our move followed by a taste of sweet juicy watermelon.

Not sure why or how, but it was yellow.

After the mind over matter moment we bit into the delicious treat!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Shared Sleep Quarters

First night in the house and therefore the boys first night sharing a room.

Joshua came out 3 times before giving up the fight. "Silas keeps giggling and talking. So I can't sleep."

"You're the big brother. Tell him you're going to sleep and that he should close his eyes."

The 3 of us were up somewhere between 3 and 4. I forgot my glasses at our apartment and couldn't see the clock very well.

In the morning we had the breakfast of champions: cold pizza and bananas!

Night 2 came and went with 2 little boys in bed all night!


I had my last vpk graduation.

It went well.

I shared the book Bigger by Daniel Kirk with parents and students. It is a great book for preschool graduation.

How awesome to have another amazing group of kids. I'm excited that many of them will be in my class again next year.

Double Trouble Strikes Again

The last day of school and guess who gets sent to the office...

I was dancing with my class and I was thinking, "oh, I need to get a picture of Joshua and Gwen today. I have a picture of them on the last day of school last year."

That was when there was a knock at the door.

Joshua and Gwen found a permanent marker outside which they used to color their hands, the ground... Part of their clothes. What a mess!

Picture Post

Home Owners

We closed on our house.

After a long anticipated wait, we found a home!

The first week of ownership was filled with a bug person, a fence person, cleaning ladies, and many odd jobs like changing toilet seats and locks, purchasing trash cans and a hose.

What a strange feeling of accomplishing and pride mixed with tremendous responsibility.

Friday, May 17, 2013

It's ok to be you!

Written with a heavy heart:

Joshua was rewarded with a tattoo at school. He chose an eagle. He eagerly ran outside to show his friends. He asked a friend what they thought. The response was, "I don't like it!"

At such a young age yearning for the approval of others, he was found teary eyed, scratching his arm, trying to scrape off his new tattoo.

It made me sad. I wasn't sad that the person said it, because people are going to disagree. I was hurt that Joshua felt the need, or desire to change something that was special and exciting to him because a friend didn't like something about him.

He has awesome teachers that not only made him feel better, but also had him return to that person and tell them, "it's okay that you don't like it. I do! It's special to me!"

Saturday, May 11, 2013

I do that too!

I haven't had a teacher post in a while. I still do it! This week we did one if my favorite projects.

As part of our unit on things that grow we talk about fruits and veggies. Where so they come from? Do they grow in the ground or above it? What do they look like on the inside? What do they need to grow? How do they compare with other fruits and veggies?

On the first day of the project we classify where the food grows then we put them on a scale. With the scale we talk about heavier, lighter, and balancing. We make predictions about whether a beet or a potato will be heavier. Talking about fruits and veggies with students who may never have seen a veggie besides a baby carrot is great! They want to touch and smell it!
(A whole carrot and 3 strawberries weigh the same as a yellow squash)

On the second day my kids watched as I cut the fruits and veggies in half. When I share with them the secret star that hides in an apple I feel like a magician! The "oooo" and "ahhhh" of seeing the inside of a pepper or the seeds of a grapefruit are terrific! After they are cut we make prints with the food. Painting is great, but painting with food, Marvelous!!!

Doing it this year brought a little sadness. My call has changed. This is my last year in preschool. I'm moving up. Instead of my 2 sessions of preschool with 40 children in the main building, I'm moving to a portable to teach 1 group of 26 kindergarteners. After 3 years in preschool I feel like I'm just finding a good groove, but I'm excited for the opportunities that kindergarten will bring. Most of the students had me this year. They know me and my style I know them and instead of our measly 3 hours we will have 7 quality learning hours together for me to give them as much as they can soak up. It will be wonderful!

Friday, May 10, 2013


Some recent Joshua-isms:

"I could be Santa. Somebody has to do it!"

"See those doll clothes?! They're vintage."
"What does vintage mean?"
"You know, old but nice."

Becky tried on her wedding dress:
"Look Gwen! Your mommy looks like a a princess!"

"I don't want spider webs on my hands. Well, unless I'm Spider-Man. Then I could shoot out webs and capture the bad guys!"

"I'm going commando again! That means I'm not wearing underwear."

He comes into the living room holding his vitamins, hands them to me, "proceed!"

"Scuba gear is for breathing underwater."

"A pulley is a kind of machine. We could use it to pick up toys that are too heavy."

What do You See?

I love those times when Joshua just wants to share everything with Silas.
"Look at those trees Silas!"
"See the water!"
"I wonder of there are any animals out there. Once I saw an otter!"
"What do you see Silas?"

Front Flip

Serious business at gymnastics. Joshua did a front flip on the uneven bars. He was still pretty nervous about the bars but thrilled to have participated! He has come such a long way since the beginning. Although he was apprehensive, the second time came with curiosity followed by pride in his accomplishment.

Monday, May 6, 2013


Another big boy step!!!

First overnight in undies. Joshua made it all the way to the morning with dry undies! We were pleasantly surprised and very proud!

Oh Dear!

We've entered the bumps and bruises stage of development. Pulling up on everything, standing up on his own and trying to walk... Rough on his handsome face! I can't say it's my least favorite stage, but it's certainly a tough one!!

At least he can smile about if afterward.

Living in 3D

Michael and I had an impromptu date night.

Joshua and Silas stayed with a friend while Michael and I went to Iron Man 3 in 3D. Michael has never been to a 3D movie so that made it even more fun. It was good.

But best of all we loved the glasses!

When we picked Joshua up he was in miss match jammies, cowboy hat, cowboy boots and he immediately feel asleep in the car.

Chocolate Cookies!

Chocolate graham crackers were a hit with Silas, not so much with the mommy... What a mess!

Flu Epidemic

The flu has hit CTK.

Joshua had the stuffed nose, cough, fever which kept him home from school Monday and Tuesday. I took him on Wednesday and we had a fever by the end of the day. He would have been ready to head back on Friday, but Thursday was down right ugly at school. Of the 40 VPK kids 13 of them were in school. Violent vomit!

I thought we escaped it as we went to bed Friday night, not so much.

Saturday morning I woke up to this sight...