Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Today I watched someone get knocked out with words.

I've heard of this happening before, but never witnessed it. Until today.

It was as if the words struck, fist clenched, colliding against the jaw. One swift collision. I watched the blink of shock behind the force of the words cause the person to physically stumble.

I stood powerless to help. Should I pretend I hadn't seen it? Should I rush over to comfort and console? I froze trying to remain expressionless waiting for some clue as to how to proceed.

Ignore. Move on. Keep treading. That was the route chosen. For better or worse I followed.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Weight loss

Not much like waking up and loosing a pound.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Hit the breaks!

Dear Silas,
I've just completed my first week back at school. In only one week I feel like you've grown by leaps and bounds. Please let me be a part of it and don't grow too fast. I don't want to miss it! I soaked up all your love and showered you with mine over the weekend. Gearing up for week two.

I love you! You are so special to me!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Looking back...

1 New states
2 Beautiful boys
3 Cars
4 Jobs
5 Years of marriage

5 years ago, my husband and I asked the Lord to guide our lives together. 
We never could have guessed how many blessings he would decide to give us!

Friday, August 24, 2012

What a pallet!!

I love that we have exposed Joshua to do many different kinds of food. This week alone featured tilapia with brown rice and navy beans, Thai chicken pizza, jerk chicken and grilled pineapple, and sushi. Much of this has to do with the fact that I hardly cook. Michael does most of the cooking and he encourages a wide variety.
Post Miso Soup,  rock'n' the chop sticks, enjoying his edamame, "carrot noodles" and krab roll. 

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Brother goodbyes

"I'll miss you today while I'm at school. I'll tell you about the day when I get home."

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Bento Wednesday

I love the options that the muffin cups offer.


After finishing his mini wheats this morning, Joshua said he was still hungry. I was about ready to walk out the door so I opted for easy
"how about a banana?"
To which he responds:
"how about celery?"
"ok, let me cut it."
"I want a big celery."
What did it matter to me what size it was?
As we walked out to the car he was do-do-doing. I asked him about it and he told me it was his flute.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Happy 1st Day!

Joshua ready with his new froggy backpack

Sporting some CTK purple

At the door ready for a great day!

Silas ready for his first of many daddy  days
Joshua's teacher sent me this one. He was so proud to be sharing a picture of his family with his friends and teachers!

Sunday, August 19, 2012


The apartment is clean, lunches are packed, clothes are laid out neatly in the bathrooms, backpacks are ready to go....

Am I ready?

Copies are run off, projects are cut out, names are on cubbies. Everything seems in order.


Tomorrow starts l-o-n-g days and and so much time away from my beautiful boys. I'm afraid of missing so much.
I love what I do and Silas and Michael will have some great/challenging days ahead. We will make it work.

Thank you Lord for your rich blessings to my family and our school.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Dr Seuss

I love Seuss.
I love my boys.

Hooray for Cat in the Hat!


Being a mommy is always glamorous!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Back to the beach

Joshua still terrified to the water even with the peer pressure of other kids he stayed near me playing in the sand. Silas ate, slept, and pooped per his routine even at the beach. I got a chance to run out and cool off in the chilly water.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Meeting a goal

Getting back into the swing of things ready to go back to school has proved to be a challenge. But my goal for the week was to be finished and ready for school to start by Wednesday so I could spend Thursday and friday with my family.

Joshua, Silas and I rode with Becky and her kids to Daytona to enjoy a free park and beautiful weather.

"The doctor hurt me!"

I will confess we were not faithful with our well-child visits for Joshua. It has been over a year since going to the doctor so with Silas's 2nd month appointment we made one for Joshua as well.

Joshua had gone with me to a couple of my appointments before Silas was born and he went to one of Silas's appointments so we told him it was his turn to get checked out. He was kind I excited.

He did a great job following directions as the nurse weighed and measured and listened to him and to Silas...

Then came the figure prick...

Michael held him and told Joshua to look at daddy and only at daddy. There was one or two trickling tears coming on almost more from hurt feelings. A if his tears were asking,"how could you do that to me?!?!"

From the doctor we found both boys with a clean bill of health Joshua holding out in about the 8th percentile for height. Silas on the other hand has been bigger from the start and remaining at a steady 23 percentile. As the doctor prepared for his escape he mouthed to us that both boys would need vaccinations much to this momma's dismay.

2 shots for Silas 1 for Joshua tears from the family of 4, but we all had smiles again before we left.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Brothers shirts

My boys got big brother little brother shirts and I tried to get a picture of them wearing them. This is what we got...

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Red Velvet cake and Oreo ice cream

Tonight I ate my feelings. And that's what they tasted like. Red velvet and Oreos.

Tonight parenting was no fun!

I was giving the boys a bath. I asked Joshua if he wanted to take his bath alone or with Silas. He said alone. I put Silas in the tub and washed him up.

I had Joshua get in to wash his hair before I took Silas out and got him in jammies. I washed Joshua's hair turned to get Silas a towel and when I turned back around Joshua was pouring water over Silas's face. (when  I say water this wasn't a sprinkle, it was a gallon beach pail)

"Joshua David!!"


I took screaming Silas out of the tub and tried to calm him. I got him into jammies and he was still distraught.

The flip had switched in Joshua. Water started splashing all over the bathroom, letting the water out led to screaming, dressing was like wrestling, brushing teeth was another battle.

I put Joshua in bed screaming. Michael and I went into Joshua's room after he was calm. When Michael asked Joshua why he threw a fit he said,
"I was mad at mommy."

Tonight my feelings taste like cake and ice cream.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Ant-icipation is Mounting

We're in the final countdown. Next week is the last week of summer vacation. It has been great!

I'm gearing up for another year with 40 four year olds. (20 in morning 20 in afternoon)

Thematically this year we are using the fruits of the Spirit was a school and for my classroom I'm using insects.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Hump Day

We have parent meetings this week for school. That being said, we've spent lots of time at school this week. We've been there by 10 and head home around 8.

It's taking a toll on my boys, but next week we will hardly be there enjoying the last week of summer vacation.

It's not all bad. Look at this smile!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Goodbye Gideon!

Our year long vicar had his last Sunday with us which meant it was time for Joshua to say goodbye to his buddy Gideon. We talked with him about how Gideon, Vicar Jake and Ms. Laura were moving back to Wisconsin. Joshua's response was said with a sigh, "I loose all my friends at Wisconsin." We certainly do have many people near and dear to us in Wisconsin. 

Michael gave some insight, "For Joshua, Wisconsin is sort of like heaven. It is the place where people we love go and we promise we will see them again some day."

We were certainly blessed to be good friends with vicar and his family. They were such a blessing to our family and to our congregation! 

Let the Little Children Come

Vicar's sermon not long ago was about focusing on Jesus.
Joshua has found the joy of rhyming words so he kept saying "hocus pocus". I thought he was just being silly until later that night when he told me we needed to "hocus pocus on Jesus because he took away all the sins."

Out of the lips of children...

We love to offer Joshua choices and the other night at bedtime I asked if he wanted to say "Our Father" or "Now I lay me." He said, "Let's say a different one." So I told him we could make our own. I encouraged him to give it a try.

Here's how it went...

"Dear God, Thank you for Jesus. Amen."

Short, Sweet, to the point.
He has a grasp of the one thing needful, and I couldn't be more thankful.

Brace yourself

I've been telling myself I'm going to be in for a world of hurt with two handsome boys who can flash me such amazing smiles and my heart melts away. They could get away with almost anything and they know it!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Don't judge

I was "that mom" dressing my boys alike. 
Orange tops and plaid bottoms.
 I'm not ashamed.
 It was the first time, but I'm guessing not the last.

nice head tilts

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Nap time in mom's classroom

We're not tired. Promise!!


It makes me sad that the Olympics are on so late. We have let Joshua stay up to watch some of them.

Joshua's take on the Olympics:

He doesn't get to watch whatever show he wants, but that's ok. Some of his favorite events have been equestrian, running, beach volleyball but most of all swimming! We did need to speak clearly and explain the difference between dying and diving. He does "practice" some swimming/diving moves in the living room whenever he sees them.

He knows the winner gets the gold metal!!

I do have to admit to feeling a pretty lazy however sitting on the couch watching these hard-bodied athletes living out their life's ambitions.