Sunday, April 26, 2015

Backyard business

With the fence up and my garden box assembled we filled it with fresh soil and divided it into square feet. 

It felt great to get my hands dirty, and start making the yard look good. 

Amazing how a little "playing in the dirt" can have such therapeutic effects. I love the smell of the soil. 

Spring has Sprung!

That was the Moto for the Washington Oaks photo contest for March. 

I feel like 4 months in, I'm starting to get some better shots. I may sinfully / selfishly think that the pictures chosen are not as good as the shots I submitted, but I'm trying to put the the best construction on the situation. 

We had fun on both sides exploring and seeing the sights. 
"Toes in the sand as often as you can!"

Saturday, April 25, 2015

S'more Family Time

Constant to-dos and lists and items that get pushed to the tomorrow, or the worst day "someday" 

We were all loaded in the car headed home from school after a 13ish hour day (for Silas and I) when Joshua asked, "Dad when are we going to roast Marshmellows?"

I bought Michael a fire pit for Christmas. It took a couple of weeks to move high enough up on the to-do list to get built. Then it sat in the backyard starring at us. 

So a spontaneous mid-week Marshmellow Roast occurred. 

Perhaps a bit rushed (we like to keep a regular bedtime schedule during the week) but it was a great night. 

I think all of us enjoyed the family time and the fire more than the Marshmellows, but they were delicious too. 

Another Silas smile

What a sweet little face! So many wonderful expressions, but this one is one of my favorites. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Getting Closer

Silas is much more independent than Joshja was. Eager to try and explore without reservation or forethought. He seems to be one that yearns to learn things the hard way. I'm glad this time it's only with a box of cereal. 

"I do breakfast all myself."

(And the disclaimer that this may have been his first and last box of Fruit Loops: he was CRAZY!)

Time Flies

How time flies when you're having fun! These two blonde cuties are going to be ready for kindergarten in just a few short weeks. 

Prayers for patience next year as I take on the task of being teacher and mommy at the same time as well as teacher to the pastor's kid, the principal's kid, and two other staff members besides my son. 

(Summer be good to me. Next year my greys will be sprouting faster than ever.)

For now I'll just enjoy their sweet smiles.