Tuesday, February 26, 2013

More Books!!!!

Do we eat them? Or read them?

Either way I like books!!

Lovely Locks

Not sure what to do with this little man's curls...

Monday, February 25, 2013

You're My Best Friend

"Look Mommy! I made you! You're smiling cause I'm your best friend!"

More Food!!

Silas has been gobbling up his baby food as quickly as I can shovel it into his mouth.
We're starting to branch out to real foods and bananas are a hit!!!

Four days too long...

As much as Joshua and Gwen fight like brother and sister sometimes, a four day weekend was too much for them. Or was it much needed? They are used to seeing each other at least a little everyday. They played very nicely after being apart.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Library

Now that I've become a Florida resident (after almost 3 years...) we went to the library for the first time.

I sent lots of time as a child at the library. Hoarder tendency coming out, I still have my first library card. I was important to me. We went as a family to check it out.

"This is amazing!" Joshua loved looking through the shelves and book bins. He chose 6 books. We checked them out and proudly walked back to the car. When we got to the car he commented about the art. "Look at that crescent! There are shapes everywhere!"

Friday, February 22, 2013

Best Buds!

I just want to be like you...

Silas wants so much to be like Joshua. Joshua loves having someone look up to him the way that Silas does. I hope this pattern continues. We just keep encouraging Joshua to be a positive leader.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Oh the screams!

after watering our basil plant I was cleaning out apartment. When I walked out of our bedroom I screamed. A lizard had made its way into our second floor apartment and was staring at me.

Native Floridians or even those with more "life skills" would have grabbed it by the tail and taken it outside. This is not what happened in the Schottey household.

Michael got the waste basket from our bedroom and told me to try to catch the lizard when he moved the bookshelf that the lizard hid behind after my screech.

Michael moved the shelf... And...
Nothing happened.

I dropped a book behind it, nothing happened.

After roughly 2 hours of hide-and-seek with the lizard he appeared on our bedroom door. This is when Michael grabbed Joshua's oversized bouncy ball and threw it at the lizard.

He missed.

But the vibrations from the collision caused the lizard to fall. It fell onto our office chair. From the office chair opened the door and Michael wheeled him out is our apartment and shook him off my bag.

Florida wildlife!!

Best Valentine

While Valentine's Day comes with cheesiness galore, the best Valentine from this year was this one:

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Family Time Post NFL season

It has been spending some overdue family time now that football is over for a while so Michael isn't quite so busy.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Early Spring

We went to lunch on Groundhog Day. We sat outside overlooking the ocean. The boys loved it! So did I! Hooray for family time.

Monday, February 4, 2013

ABC's & 123's Why stop there?

"Who's on the penny?"
"Abraham Lincoln."

Joshua has been able to answer that question for a while now.

Last night when he was talking to me about the penny he said he knew it was Abraham Lincoln, but he didn't know him. So I told him about the Emancipation Proclamation and how Abraham Lincoln fought for everyone to be treated equally even though their skin looked different. We talked about Joshua's friends who have black skin and how God made everyone special. I reminded him that God wants us to have kind thoughts, words, and actions with everyone.

My thought has never been that Joshua was "too young" to learn about things so why not?!? I expose him to letters, language, numbers, and science, so why not some history?!?

I pray that his love of learning and his curiosity grows as he grows.