Saturday, September 29, 2012


While talking about Creation, Joshua was asked to paint a picture of something God made. Joshua painted feet. Look closely. They do look like footprints.

It has been terrific listening to Joshua retell what he has learned during Bible time. He tells about Noah's "large boat" the rainbow God placed in the sky as a promise. Abraham and his son, Jacob and Esau, but most importantly about Jesus who died to take away all the sins.


I try my best to give my boys some one-on-one time... just brothers. These past couple of times have been delightful.

Puzzles and Board Games

I think back to family time when I was younger and the variety of board games that we spent hours playing. Joshua is quickly approaching board game years and I'm excited!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Fun Friday


I love the sand!

Brothers on the beach




toes in the sand



"You're my best buddy ever!"

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

U is for...

Undies and Umi-goggles.

Saturday, September 22, 2012


How can a chocolate square taste... melancholy?

Such a delightful treat that brought such joy, endurance, and a temporary escape, today had a different taste.

Despite its "heartfelt" message, something was missing.

There is something missing, but it's easier to write about chocolate.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sunday Best

Sitting pretty waiting to leave for church. I'm pretty spoiled. They're kinda cute!

Moving Out

 Silas was moved out of our room and the bassinet that was crowding his quickly growing body. I knew the move for him would be welcomed. He is a wiggly little boy and he would crash into the sides of the bassinet. He had a restful night's sleep in the crib.

When Joshua woke up, he asked where Silas was. I took him into Silas's room to show him and he said, "He's in my bed."

"You're in the big bed. Now this is Silas's bed."

"Oh. (pause) I guess he can borrow it."

There are 7 Days...

 there are 7 days, there are 7 days in a week...







Call me ridiculous... I did plan on him having an all plaid week. :)

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Handy Joshua

I was busy feeding Silas and Joshua was abnormally quiet. I needed to check what he was up to. I found him quietly sitting at his desk coloring. 

Later on, he said, "Look, I'm like Handy Manny!"

Then my handy young man was busy making the crayons into shapes. So smart!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Quarter of the way to one year with an adorable smile, amazing eyelashes, and such a sweet personality! Three months old, time flies when we're having fun! 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

4 weeks

We are only 4 weeks into school. It's too early for Joshua to feel like this. I struggled getting him out of bed and this is what happened when we got to school. Looking forward to the weekend...

Monday, September 10, 2012

Matchless Moments

Crazy toothy smiles, that's what my boys give me. 
I love my boys.
 After a long day it is refreshing and rejuvenating to snuggle and read, tell secrets and be silly with two terrific boys.

Look at this face!!!

Some time Joshua will smile at the same time as Silas. 
This is love.
They may be redundant, but I loved them all.
Joshua took this one, and it's great!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

That Rascal Puff

I recorded the entire 4 minute book/song and Joshua singing Puff, the Magic Dragon. The book has beautiful illustrations and it came with a cd of Peter Yarrow singing. The song holds fond childhood memories of singing it with my dad. Michael remembers singing it with his dad as well. The recording of Joshua was super sweet and I told him he could hold my phone and watch himself singing it. Curious fingers. Mommy not fast enough and the video was gone. We'll try again another day.

Little boy Love

We've had some nice family moments the last couple of days. I love watching Joshua and Silas's relationship blossom.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Photo Bomber

I taught Joshua the term "photo bomber." He thought it/he was hilarious!!


Today was Joshua's first show and tell at school he gathered up all the items for consideration then made his choice. Can you guess what color they were working on?

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Gotta love it!!

Just one reason I love teaching preschool... Out on the playground, "Ms. Stacey, how many inches is the sky?"

"I'm not sure buddy but it's a lot."

"like 126,002?!?"

"even more!"

"wow! Probably the biggest number in the galaxy!"

Monday, September 3, 2012