Monday, December 31, 2012

90 Day Bible Challenge

"17 pages!?!?"

This was a typical response from this slow reader in high school or college when doing assigned reading for class.

When I first decided to take on the 90 day Bible Challenge, I will admit to a competitive spirit driving me. "I can do this! I will be done first! Just like a race."

Then I got a few weeks in, and it got more challenging. I definitely understood why it was suggested that we start with the New Testament first. Trudging into the Old Testament took prayerful determination.

I tried to dedicate my nursing/pumping time to my Bible reading because that was time I already had set aside, but I wasn't always faithful, and when my rhythm was thrown off it was hard to get back into the groove again. Once I was in the groove however, I found myself craving my time in the Word. I remember at least two distinct instances when I turned off the TV to catch up knowing what I would find in God's Word would satisfy me more than whatever I would find on TV.

Highlights for along my journey:

  • Checking on wordage (I did spend some time listening to the Bible, the version I was listening to said it was NIV, but there was wordage that seemed strange to me at times, so I ran to the paper version to check.) 
  • Listening to the Bible while washing dishes or cleaning the house made me a do these chores with a happier heart. These were times easy to grumble and complain, but listening to the Bible helped curb those temptations. 
  • I found joy in sharing passages, new and old, with those around me. 
  • God's sense of humor in Leviticus when he gives his people his laws (put blood on your big toe, thumb, and earlobe... so strange)
  • DRAMA: I talked about skipping shows to get into the Word because sometimes I just had to know what was going to happen next.
  • Bible person who stood out to me more than before: Hezekiah. To have faith to ask God and believe that God would heal him and add 15 years to his life. 

At 26, with 2 kids, husband, and a full-time job (more often than not 10+ hours a day), I read the entire Bible. (for the first time) Upon finishing, I felt like I'd climbed off a roller coaster for the first time. I was thrilled, filled with adrenaline and on a Bible-high. What a way to end out the year!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Day 24

Spending Christmas as a family, going to church, and opening presents

We had a terrific visit with my mom and Samuel. Christmas Eve morning we spent enjoying some beautiful weather. 

Mom left before nap time, and then we headed to church. 

After church we opened gifts.

Grandma and Samuel visiting

Family at Christmas Eve church service 

opening stockings 


Day 23

See Snow!

We went to St. Augustine to the Winter Wonderland.

There were so many neat things to see and do, but the best thing was the snow!

The Holly Jolly Trolly

Joshua has a new found love for the Abdominal snowman

Peek-a-boo from Elf Village


Silas in the Snow

Picture heavy, I know, but the video is terrific also!

Day 22

Today we made delicious Christmas treats after watching some Christmas cartoons.

Grandma came to visit and brought cold weather with her.

We went to dinner with her then went to walk around the lights at Town Center.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Day 21

A Florida style snowball fight!!

Day 20

2nd day of Christmas break. We made candy cane play dough!!

We made the regular play dough, but added peppermint extract and red sugar sprinkles to stripe it like a candy cane.

We built snowmen and used Christmas cookie cutters. It was great!!

Bonus activity: sitting in jammies on a Christmas blanket, drinking hot chocolate out of Christmas mugs, stirring it with a candy cane, eating some cookies, and watching a Christmas movie on tv. [probably
not the last time that will happen. :) ]

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Day 19

Put Christmas lights up in your room.

It was the first day of Christmas vacation! We spent time relaxing this morning and cleaning up the house. Joshua and Silas loved that they were spending the day together.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Elf on a Shelf

Last day of school before break...

Day 17

Make a project for your teachers.

We made wreaths for teachers with pictures of the boys in the middle.

Day 18

Today is your class Christmas party.

It's a pajama party with movies and treats.
It's the last day of school before break. We have 8 "stay-home" days, then child-care days and the weekend. I'm looking forward to family time without travel, without child-care, without many plans.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Christmas Service 2012

He's a ham. He can't help himself. Look at his parents...

Sunday, December 16, 2012

6 months

Guess who looks like mommy!

Day 16

Singing in the Christmas Concert

Today was a day full of activity. It was Michael's birthday. Lessons and Carols for the choir in the morning service and then preschool Christmas service in the afternoon.

in front of our tree after singing
Excited to go listen to all the kids singing

Two handsome boys in their sweater vests
After church we made pumpkin pancakes for dinner. Joshua helped, adding all the ingredients and stirring.

While they were cooking I added green and red sugar over cookie cutters to make designs. Festive pancakes!

This is seasonal confusion. Christmas sweater, pirate bandana from Halloween, and an Easter Egg

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Newtown, Connecticut

taking an intermission from all our joys of Christmas preparation to write a stream of consciousness about the horrific incident in Connecticut.

I've never been to Connecticut.
I don't know anyone there.

But being a teacher, and a parent; my heart hurts.

Friday, the day of the shootings, I had no thoughts. nothing to share. no feelings about it.

A parent came in at 1pm to drop off a student and asked if I knew anything about what was going on. I had no idea. I was busy in the classroom preparing my students to share the news of Jesus' birth in the Christmas service.

I'm a teacher, I love that I get to bring my son to school with me everyday. There hasn't been a school shooting since I've become a teacher, or a mother.

 I remember being in grade school and going to my sister's house on the Tuesday night of the Columbine shooting. The images and headlines seemed unreal. How could students do that to students. It certainly made me think about how I treated others.  I read a book about it in high school about Columbine. My stomach churned, as a high school student. But school shootings haven't been on my mind as a teacher, or a parent until today.

Today I cried.

I cried as I read one story. One story was all I could handle. I read about Vikki Soto, the teacher who after hearing the gun shots told her students to get into the closets/cabinets and hide. When the shooter came in she told him that her students were in gym class. Then he shot her. None of her students were physically hurt. I write physically because I have no doubt they are hurting in other ways.

I wonder about the effects of adrenaline on the body in an emergency, and I am at a loss. Shaken.

I wonder about the detectives who had to walk into a building where 20 children were shot.

My 10 year old brother (older than all the students who were shot) said, "If he would have come into my class, our whole class would have died. There are 20 kids in my class and 20 kids were shot."

I heard about a teacher leading the children out of the building with their eyes closed so they weren't see the carnage.  My heart hurts.

And yet, I love my job. I love what I do. What a blessing to share Jesus with little children. May he be with me everyday as I do the job I love.

Come Lord Jesus, Come.

Day 15

Christmas for Kids and Christmas Parade!
This morning started with an amazing rainbow!
After spotting the rainbow we jumped in the car to head to Christmas for Kids. It was Joshua's first year being able to participate. Michael and I taught the Bible story, but we had opposite rotations which gave each of us a chance to check on Joshua. 

DANCING, and Singing for Music time

Working hard on manger craft. 

Over, Under game

Christmas, Duck, duck goose

Back at home, reading Christmas books after nap time. 

We went to the Palm Coast Christmas Parade at Town Center. It was an experience. 

Silas wincing at the flash. 

Here comes Santa Claus
And then there's this little man. Too CUTE!!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Day 14

Wear a Christmas shirt to school.

For a bonus we rode with Ms Nottling, listening to the Hot Chocolate song from Polar Express and we had a donut when we got to school. A pretty awesome day!