Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Not ready...

Joshua received an awesome book from Grandma Schottey. America the Beautiful, a wonderful pop-up book!

The pop-up pages include the Golden Gate bridge, a Mississippi river boat, amber waves of grain, Mount Rushmore, the Mesa Verde, the National Mall, and New York City Skyline. 

The New York page has a smaller book on the lower left corner, which has the Twin Towers inside. I told Joshua that the towers are no longer there. 


"They fell down." At first it was funny to him. 

"Did it fall like this?" Timber style. I looked to Michael with panic in my eyes. 

"No Bud, some people flew airplanes into them." 

Michael showed him a YouTube video of the towers falling.


"Mommy, Why? Why did they do it?"

I looked to Michael again panicked...

"I don't know. They were angry. They made some poor choice and hurt a lot of people." 

I wasn't ready. I didn't want to answer. 

I love that he is so interested and curious about everything, but some questions are no fun to answer. 

Monday, July 29, 2013

Plaid 2013


Last year I posted a week that Joshua wore plaid everyday. He wore plaid shirts. This year plaid shorts! 

Friday, July 26, 2013

So Big

Silas you've become quite the silly boy!!!
You love jumping on the bed, busting out dance moves at any kind of music, peek-a-boo, paddy-cake, waving, blowing kisses. I love it all! Like your brother you've learned to use your cute looks against me. You've taken to throwing things in the garbage which daddy and I do not love, but then you flash your toothy smile big enough that it scrunches your eyes and I can't help but smile. You're getting so big! I love you!

Rain, Rain, Go, Away!

It's been awfully rainy lately, and it's been cramping my boys' style - especially after all the outside time we spent while I. Wisconsin. 

We caught a glimpse of the sun today!!!


Another picture of him sleeping with a book. This is one thing I hope never changes!

Camp Over

A mix of a camp out and a sleepover. After sleeping in the tent in Wisconsin Joshua asked if he could sleep in his tent. We camped out in the living room. Instead of reading books, we told stories. He is such a storyteller! 

Sharing is Caring

We only had 1 apple left. Rather than cut it, Joshua assured me he'd share it with Silas. I have to admit he did a pretty great job. It was pretty cute! 

Chess? Checkers? Or Both?

Joshua really wanted to try out a different game from the closet. He came up with some pretty interesting directions. 

On the Go

Silas was thrilled to be pushing Joshua and Joshua was thrilled to have Silas pushing him! (For the most part)

Monday, July 22, 2013


Samuel suggested when I was pregnant that Joshua's name should be George. Perhaps, with the curiosity that Joshua shows, Samuel was on to something.

Joshua has been watching Sid, the Science Kid a PBS show. It has produced some critical thinking skills. Joshua is curious. "How a toilet works? How does a piano work? Those books are like an incline plane. Could we measure with this?"

This is how the theme song goes:
"Hey Sid! What do you say? Whatcha want to learn today? 
I want to know why things happen and how, and I want to know everything now. Oh yeah! 
How does this thing work? Why does that stuff change? How does that do what it just did? 
What's up with the sky? Do you think I could fly? The world is spinning and I wanna know why.
I gotta lot of questions and big ideas! I'm Sid the science kid."

This is what Joshua sounds like these days. So many questions! I love it!


We were patient to let Joshua play Wii, but after a rainy afternoon that we were all in the car headed for the beach, we decided to give it a try. 

He loved it. What we loved about it was the math that he used while he was bowling. "I got 7 that mean there are 3 left."


While working in my classroom, Joshua found a book ABC Jobs.

Then we began discussing what he might like to be when he grows up.

Here's what he came up with: U.S. Coast Guard or a doctor (What kind?) a doctor that helps babies be born.

Do you know...

While at choir recently, Silas was walking up to the baptismal font and Joshua was trying to encourage him to move away.

When I got over near them, Joshua says, "Do you know why Pastor Phil makes a cross on the baby's head? He does it 'cause Jesus took away ALL our sins and we only need to be baptized once."

I walked away with tears in my eyes.

You're right bud; once for all.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Last Day in Wisconsin

We went to Samuel's swim meet at cheer him on. 

Joshua tried on his cap and goggles. 

July 12, 2013

We jumped into the car and headed north. The last of my bridesmaids got married. 
We made a stop in Rippin, WI to take a stroll down memory lane for Michael. We stopped at the cookie outlet. Michael took a moment to cherish some memories and so did my mom. Strange the unique things that generate memories for people. 

Silas took a few steps before we left, but gained confidence while we were gone. 

My mom found some yellow shoes! Thanks!!!

It was a beautiful wedding. Great to see faculty from my high school. A bittersweet last night in Wisconsin. 

July 11, 2013

After we climbed out of our tent it was time to feed the masses. Grandma made pancakes!

The kids worked on some crafts. 

Something I love: waiting to shower till evening. There's no use showering when you're headed right to the lake or into the sandbox. 

We went to kids' night at the zoo. My mom is a zoo member so the zoo is open late exclusively to members. Food trucks come in, music and entertainment. 

Chicken dance!

Look at these moves!

The animals were fantastic!

We fed the goats. 

Check another item off the Wi to-do list. 

July 10, 2013

Backyard baseball!

More boating

Riding in style we went to Jamie's house. 

The boys loved playing outside without worrying about fire ants! 

One of the things on my Wisconsin to-do list was sleeping in the backyard in a tent. It took everybody a while to get calmed down, but it was fun to sing old camp songs, and reminisce about old camp experiences.

Sleep finally came. 

And so did the morning. 

This sleepy smile when he woke up after his first night sleeping in a tent. We blew up air mattresses for each pair: Samuel & Tylor, Jamie & Paige, Joshua & I, and grandma slept solo. Of the 4 air mattresses, ours was the only one flat in the morning. 

Joshua and grandma watching the sunrise. 

Our smiley group at 6am!

Say cheese!