Tuesday, August 19, 2014

And just like that....

It's over.

Quickly before I close my eyes...

Summer is over. 
It went too fast. 
In the morning the routines start. 
I tried to make the most of all 82 days. 
There are certainly items left unchecked on my to do list, but ready or not tomorrow starts another school year. 

I'm ready. The boys are ready too. 
Let's do it!

We said goodbye to summer with a quick beach trip...
Silas has had enough of my summer paparazzi. He was ready to head home. 

Before bed we looked at our pictures of the wonderful things we did and talked about how great our summer was.   

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Sunny days and sprinkler

Actual date: somewhere in June (June 18 to be exact. That's right I haven't shared anything from July, August, or September) I may share stories from the summer, or I may never get to them but here's one. 

went into the  summer bright eyed and bushy tailed and enthusiastic to do something special everyday. I wanted to make all 82 days of summer count. My ambition was to take at least a picture everyday. 

The boys loved the sprinkler. Nothing fancy. Drinking water from the hose soaking up the sun. We played for a long time. 

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Bike Rides

He thinks  he's hot stuff riding around the block, tricks and all. 

Will I ever see Joshua again?

Kailey one of Joshua's dearest friends was concerned that Joshua hadn't been to summer care. She asked her mom, "Will I ever see Joshua again?" 
Then we had VBS and they were reunited. 
Kailey's mom asked if they were in the same group. I assured her I would make sure they were. For a week they were inseparable. 

Daddy Day

For Father's Day we spent time snuggling and hanging out with Daddy. We watched some shows and baked some bread. 

2 Years Old!!!!

Not sure where all the time went, but my little guy, he's not so little anymore. Happy Birthday Baby!

We went to the library in the morning of your birthday. 

You sat around wearing a birthday hat all day long. 

Joshua was so excited to use his own money to buy some gifts. He chose glow-in-the-dark lizards, a ballon, and some bubbles. 

It was a nice quiet birthday home with your family. We watched How You Train a Dragon, had pizza, and cupcakes. 

I love you to infinity and beyond buddy!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


Back in June after our family trip to Tampa, we were home for 4 days then we jumped back in the car to go with our church family.
Michael attended meetings  while the boys and I socialized and relaxed. One thing we did to stay busy was taking advantage of the resort's amenities...
While on a nature walk Joshua tried to convince the other children that he had set a booby trap for the pandas that lived in the forest. Despite my correction, he was determined that pandas could live in the Florida wetlands. 
We also spent time at the pool... This mommy was convinced that I was well prepared for another trip... I forgot the boys bathing suits. Thankful that I had mine, we made due. 

There was a mini golf course at the resort as well. The previous week Joshua had mini golfed and was convinced he was
the best golfer ever. He was handing out pointers and tips. "Concentrate, Aim, shoot."  I took a moment to deflate him. I told him I was glad he was having fun. How special it was to be playing, but that he wasn't the best. I told him he could practice hard and get better but he still had lots to learn. I'm not sure it changed his mind, but it slowed down the boasting making the game a little more enjoyable. 

We went to a wonderful NY style/themed deli one night where I even tried tongue (little did I know until after the bite was gone). We saw many people we haven't seen in a while and got to spend some relaxing time with those we see often. 
Guilty mom moment from our arrival... The boys were napping, the sun was shining and the suitcase was in the car. I couldn't leave the room since Michael was at meeting, and I didn't want to waste my time away in a dark hotel room waiting for the end of name time... So I grabbed a towel shed my clothes and headed for my golf course view of a balcony where I found a sliver of sun at just the right angle to enjoy the glorious rays. 
Time away is good but being in your own bed is certainly something you long for after being away. 
I watched the beautiful skyline as we headed home in a quiet car of weary travelers. 

Friday, August 8, 2014

Stream of consciousness...

I have only a few fleeting days left of summer and in all the joys of trying to savor every moment I got lazy in posting. Now I'm feeling the need to quickly get caught up so that I don't feel like I'm drowning when school starts. So many goals and memories to share! Bare with me as things get a little sloppy... 

Monday, August 4, 2014

At the Car Wash

We stopped by the car wash knowing we were doing more road tripping. It just so happened that my boys are so drawn to grandma and grandpa types. A woman came in and the boys went right over. Joshua grabbed a magazine and went started chatting with this woman about fishing and golf. She asked if it was ok for him to sit ion her lap (which I appreciated) the boys fought for her attention and she couldn't have been more happy. Silas spent some time playing in the bubbler, but I was happy to have something to help pass the time. 


Silas is in the wonderful stage where he finds things fascinating. It may even go a little further. He gets fixed. Stuck. Asking the same things repeatedly. In the store, car, school, at home, the curiosity is always there and the wheels are constantly turning.