Thursday, October 16, 2014


Joshua often asked when can he wear his tie? He looked so good had to share. 

Bug Boxes

We love Home Depot Saturday Projects 
We made bug boxes. They boys took them home excited to find bugs. 
When we didn't find bugs outside they found the plastic bugs in the playroom and had some wonderful, fun imaginative play. 

Bug Boxes

We love Home Depot Saturday Projects 
We made bug boxes. They boys took them home excited to find bugs. 
When we didn't find bugs outside they found the plastic bugs in the playroom and had some wonderful, fun imaginative play. 

Independence Day!

It'll start you out on the 3rd: 
It was pretty wet and rainy. On the third,  but we braved the sprinkles and by accident ended up with a perfect front row seat for some pretty nice fireworks. 
We watched from the car for a while, but it was even better to stand in the mist. 

On the fourth, the weather was better so we were beach bound. 

After the beach we enjoyed dinner and the outdoors with friends. The boys loved sparklers! 

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

June Joys

When we weren't gallivanting around Florida during June we were filling our days with activities at or around home. 
I love that my boys like the library. We kept a close eye on the activities at the library at the beginning of the summer. Seeing the magician was one of Joshua's favorite things. 
We went to a new park near our house and the family we met there brought a soccer ball. They let us borrow it even after they left. 
Joshua's biggest critic was himself. 

Play dough out on the lanai. 
Legos in the playroom. 
Paws reading at the library. Joshua loves dogs, but I'm allergic. Reading to the dogs at the library is great. 

Lots of bubble baths
Movie nights sharing daddy's chair
Pinterest-y snacks like watermelon sticks 

And some reflection time. 

I didn't write a post in spring because there were so many things going on in Joshua's head and I was waiting for things to settle a bit. 
Joshua had twin classmates who were both boys. One of the brothers was diagnosed with brain cancer. We spent nights praying asking God to be with Kase and bring his family good news. As it became evident that Kase's time on earth was coming to a close we asked God to be with Kase, his family, and especially his twin brother Knox. Oh that I would have a childlike faith. Michael and I tearfully tried to answer the big questions for our 4 year old son. I let Michael handle most of them because I answered many kindergarten questions while at school. One night weeks after Kase had passed and many of the questions had subsided Joshua suggested that we pray for Kase. I told him we no longer needed to pray for him because he was now enjoying the perfection of heaven. With tears in his eyes he said, "We can pray for Kase! Jesus has the power to raise people from the dead!" How could I argue with that. I did steer his prayer a bit, but his firm conviction was a bit inspiring. Months later Joshua was drawing and he asked me how to spell Kase. I answered him and asked what he was up to. Joshua had drawn a picture of a house and said, "I just bet Kase is having the best time ever up in heaven."