Saturday, December 31, 2011

Christmas with the Madre

 The marble run was one of the many things I put on the list of things to make sure we did while we were at my mom's house. I knew that it was something that Joshua enjoyed and he and I sat quietly in the basement rolling and rolling the marbles again and again down the marble run.
 Joshua and Tylor got rides from Samuel in the laundry baskets. "Faster, FASTER!"
 Mini Kid's Carnival in Grandma's Basement... another check off the "Things to do at Grandma's List."

 Check, Check, and check again. With all of us together I knew John would turn on the train on the ceiling. Joshua was so excited! He loved watching the trains go around and around on the track. He begged to have them go again, and again.
 Pause: family photo. Set the timer... we opened packages from the family name exchange and paused for a family photo before everyone got too tired or whiney to participate.
 The Pickle Hunt: It was pretty epic this year. Finding the pickle is a coveted event at Christmas. Each of us tried to inconspicuously look without letting the others know you were looking. After opening presents is when my mom started giving hints. Jamie found it again...
 Joshua, Jamie, and Tylor enjoying the pickle prize!
 Watching my son sit with his cousin was a time when I thought, "oh, no, he is my son..." He was talking with his hands. He couldn't help it. Chattering and waving, hands flying faster than the words could form in his mouth. "Yep, my son!"
 My niece and nephew are an active, imaginative, and noisy pair. Joshua was a little hesitant about all the noise that they made. He thought they were fun to be around, but found them exhausting. Sleeping somewhere besides in your bed is hard. I'm not sure if I should admit this or not, but when we spend the night at my mom's Joshua sleeps in the playpen, in the closet. A moment to justify, he is a light sleeper and doesn't go down well if his parents are in the room. There is only one bedroom on the first floor and it makes sense for all of us to sleep in the same room... We just put Joshua in the closet. It's a big closet. Even with him sleeping there he didn't sleep through the night while we were there. It was usually around 4 am that he was crying asking to come "slug" with us for awhile. "2 minutes."
 In the morning before we finished packing, Tylor handed down his WonderPets jammies with the cape. Tylor got a new cape for Christmas, and since he had outgrown the jammies, he was encouraged to pass them down, which he did. How fun to watch the two little boys swoop around in their capes.
Before we left, Joshua asked my mom show him all the "pirates." By the time we got home, and showed him all the pictures... they were nutcrackers. I wasn't sure if I was glad we corrected him or if I liked the cuteness of the way he says nutcracker. 

I felt so blessed to enjoy family time during the holidays!

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