Sunday, April 22, 2012

Such a Blessing...

My dear sweet boy, 

The weekend has gone too fast again! 

I cherish our extra time spent together while we're home with no plans or schedule we need to keep. I loved watching your mind work as you did a variety of puzzles. I listened carefully trying not to get caught as you played or sang songs all by yourself. Our quiet whisper moments as we snuggled in my bed reading books will warm my heart through the week and beyond. 

But my heart does ache a little at all of your independence: reading books to yourself, dressing yourself, feeding yourself, brushing your teeth. You're growing so quickly!

Earlier this week when I was trying to encourage you to eat the apple skins I suggested that "eating them will help make you so strong" but strength was not what you were interested in. When I switched from 'strong' to 'smart' all of the sudden the apple skins became more appealing. (Part of me loves that I'm raising a young man who values brains over muscles.)

I snuck in tonight to sneak one last peek before the weekend officially came to a close. You had a 'soft friend' under one arm and a book under the other and were sleeping on an open book at the opposite end of your bed. My heart melted. I knew you were at the 'wrong' end of your bed with your book because the light would have been better there for you to read. 

You are a joy. And I love you!

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