Monday, July 22, 2013


Samuel suggested when I was pregnant that Joshua's name should be George. Perhaps, with the curiosity that Joshua shows, Samuel was on to something.

Joshua has been watching Sid, the Science Kid a PBS show. It has produced some critical thinking skills. Joshua is curious. "How a toilet works? How does a piano work? Those books are like an incline plane. Could we measure with this?"

This is how the theme song goes:
"Hey Sid! What do you say? Whatcha want to learn today? 
I want to know why things happen and how, and I want to know everything now. Oh yeah! 
How does this thing work? Why does that stuff change? How does that do what it just did? 
What's up with the sky? Do you think I could fly? The world is spinning and I wanna know why.
I gotta lot of questions and big ideas! I'm Sid the science kid."

This is what Joshua sounds like these days. So many questions! I love it!

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