Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sunday Night Beach Visit

Last weekend I enjoyed a visit from my mom. On Sunday night we went to the ocean. I realized that night that I live too close. I has probably been since September, my mom's last visit, since we had gone.
It was a beautiful night. We enjoyed the sunset. And, we were far enough south that we could drive on the beach. This is something that I haven't done here in Florida.
Joshua was not very excited about putting his feet on the wet sand. As much as my son loves the bathtub, and the pool he HATES the ocean, and I'm not sure why. Perhaps that the sand is unsteady. Anyway, we had to be far enough away from the ocean for him to feel comfortable.
Finding some shells made the beach a little more bearable, and before we knew it, we found a hole. Joshua loves the sand especially if there is a hole for him to stand in. The hole that we found was far enough from the ocean for him to feel comfortable and it had water in it. So it was more like a puddle!!

Joshua dug in the hole and splashed in the hole and had a terrific time at the beach. It was a little cool for me. My blood is thinning already, but Joshua loved our visit. When Grandma drove her car on the beach that was even better!
It makes me sad that I take it for grant it living so close to the ocean. I don't want to make it my "goal" to get there more often because that's not measurable, and now we are getting to the month or two that it will get too chilly to visit, but I do want to get there more... whatever more is...

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