Sunday, November 27, 2011

Church Decorating

Saturday morning was church decorating. I'm not sure Joshua remembered trees from last year. He was hesitant to touch the tree because it was "prickly." 

 So, instead of helping me fluff the tree, I found him a different job. I knew there was a toy vacuum in the janitor's closet, and since Bonnie was vacuuming I thought Joshua could help. He loved that idea! And vacuumed away!
 Several people showed up to help get the church ready. Each person used different gifts to make the church look great for Christmas.
 Vicar Jake cleaned the windows. 
 Pastor Phil help get the trees ready for ornaments. 
 Joshua carried the ornaments into church. He was very careful not to spill any of them. 
 Then came the tricky part: getting the ornaments to stay on the tree. Joshua had to balance his independent frame of mind with his eagerness to get the bulbs on the tree. "Do It!" is what is said, and I'm not sure if he was voicing frustration, or if he was trying to get me to help him. I encouraged him to try again until it stayed there. I'm interested to see how he will do with our tree next week.
 One of the bulbs fell off the big Christmas Tree and Joshua volunteered to get it. 
 Joshua enjoyed talking about the color of the lights and the different colored bulbs. 
 Joshua and Gwen took a cereal break and posed for a picture. I wasn't fast enough to get them both smiling, but maybe next year. They were so cute with their green and red I ran for my camera.
 Noah helped his mom by being the counter-weight while she tried to straighten out the tree. 
 Joshua used the box of ornaments as a drum. He thought he was the funniest thing. Joshua had a sneaky face and banged away. 
The best way to get Joshua to smile for a picture is to set the timer and make it into a game. So I set the timer and put the camera on the ladder and ran in front of the tree. He had a terrific smile. I was very impressed! I can't wait to do our decorating around the house. 

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