Monday, December 31, 2012

90 Day Bible Challenge

"17 pages!?!?"

This was a typical response from this slow reader in high school or college when doing assigned reading for class.

When I first decided to take on the 90 day Bible Challenge, I will admit to a competitive spirit driving me. "I can do this! I will be done first! Just like a race."

Then I got a few weeks in, and it got more challenging. I definitely understood why it was suggested that we start with the New Testament first. Trudging into the Old Testament took prayerful determination.

I tried to dedicate my nursing/pumping time to my Bible reading because that was time I already had set aside, but I wasn't always faithful, and when my rhythm was thrown off it was hard to get back into the groove again. Once I was in the groove however, I found myself craving my time in the Word. I remember at least two distinct instances when I turned off the TV to catch up knowing what I would find in God's Word would satisfy me more than whatever I would find on TV.

Highlights for along my journey:

  • Checking on wordage (I did spend some time listening to the Bible, the version I was listening to said it was NIV, but there was wordage that seemed strange to me at times, so I ran to the paper version to check.) 
  • Listening to the Bible while washing dishes or cleaning the house made me a do these chores with a happier heart. These were times easy to grumble and complain, but listening to the Bible helped curb those temptations. 
  • I found joy in sharing passages, new and old, with those around me. 
  • God's sense of humor in Leviticus when he gives his people his laws (put blood on your big toe, thumb, and earlobe... so strange)
  • DRAMA: I talked about skipping shows to get into the Word because sometimes I just had to know what was going to happen next.
  • Bible person who stood out to me more than before: Hezekiah. To have faith to ask God and believe that God would heal him and add 15 years to his life. 

At 26, with 2 kids, husband, and a full-time job (more often than not 10+ hours a day), I read the entire Bible. (for the first time) Upon finishing, I felt like I'd climbed off a roller coaster for the first time. I was thrilled, filled with adrenaline and on a Bible-high. What a way to end out the year!

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