Saturday, November 17, 2012

Is the sun awake yet?

Dear Joshua,
I'm trying to wait patiently for you to wake up. Today is your birthday and I can't wait to spend it with you!

We are at grandma's house and this year you're having a party. You've never had one before and I'm excited.

You're sleeping so peacefully and it's taking all I have not to wake you up to hear the terrific things you have to say. Just the other day at the store a woman commented on you wonderful vocabulary. You are growing into such a sweet, smart and handsome boy. I love seeing the love you show with your friends and especially with your brother. You are a pretty amazing kid!

I may have some tears today. 2 didn't seem so bad, but 3 seems old. You're such a big boy. My tears are sad you're growing so quickly, but I couldn't be prouder.

I love you! Happy birthday!

1 comment:

  1. Hope you had the best day ever Joshua!! 3 years old is pretty big stuff! Hugs and Hugs to you and your mommy!!

    Miss Heather
