Saturday, April 28, 2012

A Pirate's Life for Me

We were making space for Silas today. 
The bassinet was found, car seat washed and ready, but we needed to clean out the closet. 
Obviously sporting my best homemaking skills, Halloween items came spewing out. Joshua was helping me with different projects, but when he spotted the pirate items it was time for a break.
 We put on our costumes, grabbed some pencils for swords (later we used spatulas) used our best pirate lingo and had a sword fight. 

Don't let the smiles fool you...

Ahoy, Matey!


Are you ready to walk the plank?!?

I know they're all similar, but his faces were just so terrific, I couldn't limit it to just one!

1 comment:

  1. Super cute! I just found your blog from Facebook. I don't have time to read it all, but wow has he grown! You two seem to be doing well in FL. :)
